Thermal interface material
  1. Bergquist
  2. 11
  3. Sil-Pad系列
  4. Bond-Ply系列
  5. Hi-Plow系列
  6. Gap-Pad系列
  7. Liqui-Bond系列
Sealant Material
  1. Gore
  2. Garlock
  3. Saint-Gobin
Industrial Electronic accessories
  1. Solder Paste
  2. LOCTITE adhesive
  3. Coatings
  4. Microcare
  5. Thermal silicon grease


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LOCTITE 3900 is a clear acrylic formulated without chlorinated solvents or CFC's. The coating is spray-applied and air dries tack-free in five minutes to provide a tough environmental and solvent-resistant coating. The material provides protection of printed circuit boards, electronic components, thick-film circuits and other substrates. This product is typically used in applications with an operating range of -40 °C to +125 °C.

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